It was years later, however, after she had published "Kindred," that he saw what she had become. "It was wonderful to see how she had bloomed and gained so much self-confidence and become a really extraordinary public speaker," Delaney says. She also was a pathblazer in a genre where once you could count the black writers on one hand.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
It was years later, however, after she had published "Kindred," that he saw what she had become. "It was wonderful to see how she had bloomed and gained so much self-confidence and become a really extraordinary public speaker," Delaney says. She also was a pathblazer in a genre where once you could count the black writers on one hand.
At 6:25 AM,
Alex said…
I was introduced to both Butler and Delany during a class on the Anthropology of Science Fiction (actually valid, believe me) and... I fell in love. It's great to see that you have this tribute page up.
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