Olamina Patternmaster

ode to octavia outstanding orator i am interested in art forms that celebrate the unknown, the unexplored, the supernatural...octavia takes you to these places and reminds you of their presence...check out the links...hopefully this page will invite you to inspire inspiration and research of the truly profound...octavia...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

"When apparent stability disintegrates,
As it must-
God is Change-
People tend to give in
To fear and depression,
To need and greed.
When no influence is strong enough
To unify people
They divide.
They struggle,
One against one,
Group against group,
For survival, position, power.
They remember old hates and generate new ones,
They create chaos and nurture it.
They kill and kill and kill,
Until they are exhausted and destroyed,
Until they are conquered by outside forces,
Or until one of them becomes
A leader
Most will follow,
Or a tyrant
Most fear.

Earthseed: The Books of the Living
Lauren Oya Olamina"
— Octavia E. Butler


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