Olamina Patternmaster

ode to octavia outstanding orator i am interested in art forms that celebrate the unknown, the unexplored, the supernatural...octavia takes you to these places and reminds you of their presence...check out the links...hopefully this page will invite you to inspire inspiration and research of the truly profound...octavia...

Monday, September 03, 2007

Parable of the Talents is uncanny...Lauryn Olamina is quixotic
a similar trait I carry...strong in stature and presence
they tell me I am these things...I step back in disbelief
I finally have come to embody the very character that I
have aspired to be...its been a long journey...and the journey
continues as a work in progress...every woman aspires to create
ultimately every woman aspires to give birth to creation
a creation that is a reflection of herself..